Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Pros and Cons of Facebook Marketing

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Facebook has the potential to be a powerful tool for corporations and businesses. Advertising and building a reputable brand are two key ways that businesses reach more customers and create more profit in the long run. However, advertising is expensive and there are many mediums to choose from. Print and web publications are common places for businesses to reach out to individuals. Facebook advertising is a relatively inexpensive way to expand a firm's marketing strategy. Creating a Facebook business page has its pros and cons.

Pros to Facebook Advertising

The biggest advantage to Facebook is that it's free. All someone needs to do is set up a Facebook business page, get a base of family, friends, and customers to follow and share the page, and gradually build a community of supporters. The firm's address and contact information could be listed, as well as the company's website if applicable. More Facebook marketing tips include posting pictures of the business, some happy customers, and the firm's participation in local community events.

Facebook pages are also easy to maintain. The page manager can schedule posts to reach an optimal number of Facebook users. Posts themselves can include links and images. In addition, Facebook has nearly one billion active users around the world. Facebook is used by people of all ages and backgrounds. No matter the industry, a lot of every company's clients almost certainly use Facebook.
One final benefit to Facebook is that a page is very easy to set up. All a user needs is an email address. Creating a business page on Facebook takes less than five minutes and the page manager can begin customizing the page and posting statuses immediately.

Cons to Facebook Advertising

While Facebook pages are easy to set up, using a business page as a marketing tool involves maintaining a consistent connection to users who have chosen to follow the page. Many of these users follow thousands of friends, family members, organizations, businesses, and celebrities on Facebook. As a result, a business's page can get buried under the rest of the user's newsfeed. Facebook allows company and organization pages to boost their posts by paying a small fee, but page managers need to decide whether these extra fees are worth it and how much they will help.

In connection with these issues, many business pages face over- and under-posting problems. If a page manager posts too often, then users could feel like they re getting spammed. In this scenario, users could choose to stop following the business's page. Other pages don't post enough. The page doesn't accomplish anything if it isn't used consistently. Users may follow the page but forget they did and no relationship is developed or strengthened between the user and the business. These Facebook marketing tips recommend that a business page have a few posts every week, with a maximum of five and a minimum of two.

A Facebook business page helps companies strengthen relationships with current customers and even create new relationships with other users who may have never heard of the company before. But just like with any other tool, it needs to be used wisely.

Russell Armstrong is an Internet Marketing Coach, Social Media Marketer, and Affiliate Marketing Specialist. CEO and Founder of Armstrong Enterprises International, Inc.. An Internet Based Company on the premise of helping people change their lives.

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