Friday, February 11, 2011

My Life, My Dream, My Journey...

My Life, My Dream, My Journey...Watch ME and...hopefully, my business GROW!  I have always been a bit of a nerd  I have always enjoyed learning.  I seem to constantly trying to learn or make something. I have never been a movie buff or much of a T.V. watcher.  My ultimate job would be working from home- no matter where my home might be.  I don't expect to become an overnight success or millionaire (at least not yet) I just want to be self-sufficient; at least financially.  Sounds simple....Right?  Not quite, at least not for me.  I am a firm believer that anything worth while takes effort.  I have never been afraid to tackle BIG projects, I have never run from Hard Labor and I have always tried to carry my own weight (at least in MY mind!).
 I've thought long and hard about what to Blog...I intend to share where my internet journey began, the road blocks I ran into, share some mistakes that I have made due to lack of knowledge (hind sight is 20/20), mile stones that I have made...basically a journal of my small business start-up adventures?

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